The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2593925
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Mar-09 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Hi, Ake! Glad its well in Scotland, and spring is upon you.
As to the euphoria crowd,...Look, I'm NOT a political, it is actually easier for me to spot utter nonsense, in the political arena, when I hear, or see it,..I have NO political axe to grind. As stated, by me, MANY times, during the campaign, and after, that both sides, are so full of corruption, that it turns my stomach. They say one thing, and do the complete opposite..over and over and over. Why this is not obvious to you, defies gravity, itself. Did, or do, you actually believe Obama, is in charge here?? He's getting his strings pulled, by the same agenda driven corrupt, greedy, power mongering, traitors, that pulled, Bush's, Clinton's, and so on and so forth. I happened to tune into Fox 'News' this evening passed, and watched Hannity, and O'Reilly Factor.....Jeez!, you think I'm critical of Obama??!!??...They are reporting stuff on him, that makes what I say(however proven accurate), look like, ..umm...well, a lot softer(?), than you make my perception, on here, out to be. I stopped even paying attention to MSNBC, because its not even close to the 'news' when someone on here quotes them, its just a way of saying, that they are being deliberately stupid, and proud of it! Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up. Fortunately, I had a great education, for which I'm grateful for,....and that being said, come on guys, wake up....our country is getting the crap kicked out of it, and its happening from the top down. All we got is our personal integrity, to get us through, what these so called 'representatives' are dumping on us, and our families, and descendants. Are you going to just sit there, and play with it like 'mental chewing gum' while more and more people all around you are going broke, losing their incomes, homes, and hope, while this bullshit is going on???? I simply can't believe it of you. This 'politically correct' vomit, should have never replaced truth, especially by fellow musicians, and songwriters, who are abdicating their power to think independently, by buying into it! Methinks, that you've listened to too much Britney, and Madonna, and lost the edge of Woody, and Pete..Phil, and Bobby. You are making yourselves irrelevant, and powerless to influence anything, or anyone, with your spouting of the 'party line', at the expense of clear, and independent thinking, and have NOTHING to offer, as to a 'social commentary'....just manufactured from the cesspool of political 'talking points'!! Come on, wake up!