The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119496   Message #2594086
Posted By: GUEST,Smokey
21-Mar-09 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope OKs condom use...
Subject: RE: BS: Pope OKs condom use...
Supporting condom use, without addressing the faults in our society which seem to have led to the explosion of the disease, not only weakens the moral position, but salves the consciences of those liberals who promote the "anything goes, everyone must have their "rights" at any cost mentality

He addressed the 'faults' and condemned condom use though. He'd have a lot more respect from me if he addressed those same faults in his own heirarchy of staff (for want of the correct expression) before trying to impose his ridiculous idealistic values on people who would be better off without them. Some people will die horribly as a direct result of his speeches in Africa. I don't know how many, but any number is unacceptable.