Okay ... Now that I'm back to some semblance of order and rationality in my life ... thanks to the Community of Mudcat ... I will let y'll in on a secret. I know who the most prolific of flamers is ... this is not conjecture, it is a fact. I'm not going to publish his name on the forum, at this time, but will not remain silent forever, if pushed to the limit.I know this individual very, very well and he is not a threat to the mudcat or anyone on it ... if you do not respond to his bait. Even if you do choose to respond, he is not a personal threat. But he has hurt a lot of people, myself included, in this flames, and this shouldn't be allowed to happen again.
He makes nice, under his own name and flames under aliases. He is, in a word, a coward ... a gutless, spineless wonder. He attacks those who appear to him to be weak. He attacks people who he thinks are too nice, because he doesn't believe people can really be that way. He attacks people who enjoy music other than what he enjoys. He attacks people who simply have differing ideas. He is a great charmer, as well, and charms those who he thinks are "on his side."
Boy, do I understand why you would choose to respond, because I did and he goaded me into losing my cool and I made, what I consider, my most embarrassing statement on the forum. (If you're curious, check out the ALCOHOLISM thread and follow the link, that the flamer provides, to my statement.) In addition, because of his using my name to flame other people, I had to post a public apology.
There are people, here, who are the backbone of this community. They are not afraid to debate an issue or to stand up for what may be an unpopular opinion. There are several, but one the persons taking the heat lately, is Mick. As he has said, he doesn't need to be defended. But he is a dear friend and I will defend him because he genuinely cares about the mudcat and it's people. I don't know what his union constituents think of him, but, being a little short woman, who talks to Mick "nose to bellybutton," he's a big, redheaded teddy bear.
katlaughing is another one. kat and I don't always agree but she is a kind person and also genuinely cares about the mudcat. Is she on the mudcat a lot. Sure she is. Do you know of her circumstances? If not, perhaps you should. She always provides a helping hand when a mudcatter or guest is looking for specific information. She, along with Jon, have been a mainstay of the hearme sessions. She is not a bully and doesn't deserve the appelation.
I hope that I'm part of this substantial "backbone," of which I speak. This place is very important to me. And, while I lost my way for a while, I'm finding my way back, and more intent than ever to be part of the "good" and not of the "bad."
As for me, I think I was flamed in the Gibson thread, but I'm not sure. I asked the poster to organize his thoughts and get back to me. Knowing what I do, now, I'm not intimidated by the flamers and could just as soon tell them to go to hell, as look at them.
BTW ... I'm writing this in the garbage thread, with the hope that it will reach the people who count, not the people who are so intent on destruction.
So, my advice, which is probably worth about the same as a cup of coffee ... is to ignore the flames. If you don't, they win. I know we've said this many times, but the best way to stand and be counted is to protest in silence. Don't leave the forum because of the flamers. Don't leave the forum because it's not exactly what you want. Stay, with whatever knowledge you have brought, and help to make it a better place. In other words, be a part of the solution ... not a part of the problem.
If you think I should start a new thread and post this message to it, let me know. I don't care if it draws the flamers ... I can handle it.
love ... Jenny
who is thankful to feel alive once more ... for this wonderful community ... to g-d for her voice ... for her friends ... for her ability to see right from wrong