The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23376   Message #259505
Posted By: Homeless
17-Jul-00 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: Help: garbage thread
Subject: RE: Help: garbage thread
I would like to propose a challenge.

The quantity of "garbage" threads lately has really turned me off of Mudcat, but I've hung around hoping things would get better soon. I really don't want to abandon it completely, because y'all have been a wealth of information for the questions I've asked. However, I personally would like to see more music related stuff, and a significantly lesser amount of troll and/or garbage threads.

So, my challenge is this. Any time someone starts a garbage thread, figure out a way to turn it into a musical (or at least Mudcat) thread - Much the way the BS: Do Mudcatters like Leather thread was commandeered.

Rick started a precedent of using provocative thread titles (What the 'F' is goin' on at Mudcat? (at least Rick's was the first I ever saw - apologies if it should go to someone else) for legitimate threads to incite participation among readers. Well, someone is manufacturing the provocative titles - all we have to do is supply the threads.

Are there any takers for this challenge? Does anyone else feel that this is a good idea?

(P.S. - after re-reading this thread, and re-reading my message, I think a definition may be in order. The difference I draw between a "legitimate" thread and a "garbage" thread is one of intent. If someone asks a serious question with the intention of finding out an answer or opening a discussion ("white" thread) that is a legitimate thread. If the thread is only to provoke (emotional?) response or outburst it is a garbage thread. My opinions only, but the ones I've used to define the challenge.)