The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117615   Message #2595204
Posted By: matt milton
23-Mar-09 - 07:57 AM
Thread Name: CD-R Questions
Subject: RE: CD-R Questions
Here's the link to the cheapest replicators I can currently find in the UK:

You could get 1000 CDs in full-colour card wallets for £390

That's replicated, not duplicated: those are not CDRs.

Frankly I think you'd struggle to do *half* that number of CDRs for that price, once you factored in the time it took you to burn them, the cost of buying the blank CDs, the cost and time of whatever packaging you opted for.

The thing is, due to economies of scale, I increasingly believe it's hardly ever worth doing just 100 CDs, whether that's home-burned or via a pro CD pressing plant.

The one exception is if you're very time-rich and very cash-poor.