The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119608   Message #2595652
Posted By: Mooh
23-Mar-09 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: How to lose friends and alienate countries
Subject: RE: BS: How to lose friends and alienate countri
Mick and others..Thanks for the apologies, explanations, and sentiments. I was dumbfounded to hear of this story on the same news program that showed our young men returning home and their processional down the highway of heros.

The opinionated buffoons in question need a scolding from someone very high up the food chain, maybe the president in whom the world has such high hopes? That, plus an education. I feel for my friends at the Legion hall down the street.

Just when you think the world is getting beyond this sort of crapola, some assholes go and prove you wrong.


Peace, Mooh.