When all is said and done, what I keep of my time at Mudcat is the time spent getting to know new friends and being as good a friend to them as I know how to be. This includes being in many new friendships where each of the two people are learning from each other just how good a friend they can be.Sometimes, being human, I forget how rare that is, in any setting, and what a privilege it is to have that possibility so EASILY here. When I forget that sense of privilege, it doesn't seem like it IS easy. But it is. You can look across a crowded forum here and begin the wonderful adventure of knowing another precious and unique human being.... much more often and with much better result that is usually the case in a "real" crowded room. And it isn't just cuz it's virtual and thus safe or masked or whatever-- it is because the affinities of people drawn here are already half of the package I would say make an ideal friend. For me. (And I love it that the frinds I make here seem to feel the same about me.)
In fact, even the people here who think I am totally full of shit and want nothing to do with me are, actually, people I have more in common with, and clearer communication with, than the average run-of-the-mill joe or jane on the street. So actually, if I just remember to move over to that viewpoint, a sworn "enemy" at the Mudcat is already closer and dearer than most of the people physically available in my world on a daily basis.
It's no wonder we keep coming back, whine though we may about the lack of absolute perfection in this wondrous place.
And Kendall, I love that you made a place to say this.
And Mick, just being yourself here obviously invites people to think, think again, go away and think and come back-- to try to communicate clearly again. The cost of that, to you, is not fair. But you shine through it so brightly.