The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119461   Message #2596391
Posted By: Becca72
24-Mar-09 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: OBIT: Ezra Milan - One year ago, today 10 Mar 2010
Subject: RE: BS: Good thoughts needed, please
It has been tough, but we are all pretty sure, barring a miracle, what the outcome will be from this one. Letting him go will be a big step to healing our family, when that time comes.
I have to share a story. My sister Deb was at Meghan & Ezra's apartment last Wednesday (7 days after he went missing) and went outside for something. When she came back in she happened to look down at the stoop because there was dog shit near it that she was trying to avoid. She found a small silver charm in the shape of a sneaker, which she brought in to Meghan. Meghan said that it had fallen off Ezra's keychain about 2 weeks prior and they'd been looking for it. Deb is adament that it WAS NOT THERE the 4 or 5 other times she passed over that stoop that day, nor was it there for the 2 weeks Meghan and Ezra had been looking. She had looked down each time to make sure she was clear of the poop and there was no charm. I have chosen to take that as a sign that Ezra was checking in on Meghan from where ever he is and while I'm sad he's not here with us, I'm glad to know he's still near is some sense.