The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23385   Message #259662
Posted By: Alice
17-Jul-00 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: Help: How did you find your band?
Subject: RE: Help: How did you find your band?
Bagpuss, you've been given alot of good advice already in this thread, so I'll just chime in here to back up what others have said. As you keep singing for yourself at home and learning repertoire that you can envision performing, keep going to sessions as much as possible. Sing your best pieces when you can at the sessions, and people will notice, even if they don't say anything to you. Besides connecting with people who have a talent that is compatible with yours, it's important to connect on the level of having compatible personalities. Two years ago I asked a woman at our session who plays fiddle and piano to start practicing with me on songs. She has lots of kids and not much time, but we have performed together, me singing and she accompanying. I'm working on building this up slowly, but we are getting to where I envision. I met the next member of our "band" when I was performing as a singer and he was at the same event performing in a string band. As a classical guitarist, he understood what I was doing with my voice and I asked him to work with myself and the fiddle player. The fourth person I invited to work with me is a retired man who joined our session playing a conscientious bodhran. He suddenly opened up one night and sang Down By The Sally Gardens in a beautiful trained voice. I called and asked him if he would be interested in joining my group and doing some songs as well as playing bodhran and bones. He is delighted.

So, it can take time, but gradually you can meet people to invite one on one to work with you. If you have a specific goal in mind, that helps. Locally, we have alot of people performing traditional tunes, but not too many people who focus on performing traditional songs, which is what I do. With the fiddle player to lead tunes and with songs that no one else here is performing, I think we have a unique appeal.

Even if you are quaking in your boots, LOOK confident, and no one will know. Step up and ask people if they want to practice with you on performing. Set yourself a goal and deadline - like a Christmas performance, or Robert Burns night, or something like that. You'll find the ones that "click" with you. Don't wait for them to find you.
