The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117552   Message #2596640
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
24-Mar-09 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
Subject: RE: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
We are all going to have a jolly good time, but there is one thing I have to tell you all in advance.

The good folks at the New City Volunteer Ambulance Corps have given us their venue free of charge (without us even having to provide them with a certificate of insurance). The one condition that they do impose, and which we strictly enforce at all Borderline concerts is that there will be NO ALCOHOL BROUGHT IN OR CONSUMED on the premises. Since we are having a pot luck, there will be plenty of food and soft drinks to go around but we all must take the pledge at least for one afternoon.

Some performers have raised the question of sound. Yes, we will have a high quality professional sound system. Todd Guidice of Newburgh, NY will be our engineer for live sound and Akiva Kent of Spring Valley, NY will be our engineer for pro-tools recording and videography. Both of these dedicated individuals work together as a team for all Borderline concerts.