The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23385   Message #259707
Posted By: GUEST,Rich(stupidbodhranplayerwhodoesn'tknowbetter
17-Jul-00 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: Help: How did you find your band?
Subject: RE: Help: How did you find your band?
First, I agree with hitting different sessions. Even if you can only go to the "scrubs" sessions at first, you'll find other unattached musicians, or people willing to play in a second ensemble. I had a nice trio going for awhile with 2 other "pathetic losers" like myself that weren't playing with anyone else at the time.
Now, more importantly, on the subject of medication brought up here. I've seen friends take unqualified medical advice, concerning medication with disastrous results. We're musicians, not doctors. People have been known to commit suicide after being advised to dump their medication down the drain. Sorry if that sounds preachy but it's the truth.
Good luck with your search for a band, and remember a lot of the best people in any field are their own worst critics.