Dear Rump....and Dale....good question!!!
This site is owned by Max, and serviced by Joe, who prostitute the original musical libertarian genius of Dick and Susan.
Look for noses of brown on creatures like Kat....and remember the child's tune....
Mister Rabbit Mister Rabbit your ears are mighty long. Yes, Praise God they been put on wrong
In the case of the MudCat...Max (being god)determines the ears and how they are placed.
One year after my "banishment" I am proud to see the prephecies of so many....'s Mudcat is a tranished, twisted, rotting turnip that no longer reflects its past glory. Such is the way of all mortals who make themselves "gods" even a plug by the nationally syndicated Parade Magazine has not improved the overall picture.
Rump and Dale...move on ....there are still Elysian Fields of brillant Folk music and you shall is no use attempting to teach poor, ignorant critters how to sing....the Digital Tradition is also on many other sites.
Most Importantly......