The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108112   Message #2598169
Posted By: Will Fly
26-Mar-09 - 07:07 PM
Thread Name: What did your Dad used to sing?
Subject: RE: What did your Dad used to sing?
Hey Will, that must be related to another one my Dad used to sing to the tune of Blaze Away.

Ain't it a pity she's only one titty
to feed the baby on
The poor little bugger will never play rugger
he won't be big and strong.

Aha - "Blaze Away" is indeed the tune! Ta, Bert. My dad got a lot of his odd ways, including silly songs and phrases from his war years as a navigator in the RAF - trained in Canada and served in Egypt and other areas such as India, Pakistan, etc.

A lot of postwar slang was actually services slang. I can remember dad saying "Let's have a shufti" when he meant "Let's have a look". and "Time for a charp" when he meant time for a nap. ("Charp" from "charpoy" - Indian word for a day bed). Did your dad have wartime or national service?