The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23417   Message #259867
Posted By: dwditty
18-Jul-00 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Hello, pleased to meet you.
Subject: RE: Hello, pleased to meet you.
Welcome aboard, Lox. You will find this place to be quite..ah..unique. Yeah, that's the word. Quite often one of us is hauled off to the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed for a little "adjustment" but other than that, you'll find a friendly group here. We even manage to get together in the physical world occasionally, so look for gatherings in your area, where ever that is.

Singer songwriter, eh? Well, I'm sure you've seen the threads about HearMe. Download the software and join us. You will find an eager audience.

So fasten your seat belt, Lox. Relax, and enjoy the ride that is Mudcat.
