The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23376   Message #259872
Posted By: The Shambles
18-Jul-00 - 07:03 AM
Thread Name: Help: garbage thread
Subject: RE: Help: garbage thread
Who is this Max, bloke anyway?….. Posting songs and going on about rowing boats and dreams and such?………What does he know about any of this? ….Have a look at the 'newcomer's guide' first Max. Oh and welcome to The Mudcat.

Shania's old man, Mark said a lot of good common-sense things in his time. I think it was he who said. "there is nothing worse than someone who sets a good example".

Most contributors to the Mudcat do at least TRY, to set a good example. They do this by mainly reading, respecting and understanding what other people's wishes are and trying to accommodate them.

There are others contributors who appear to think that everyone else should accommodate only their wishes. Demanding their rights and recognising little, if any of their responsibility to everyone else

The forum does go up and down. It is the latter section that is responsible for making it dip down. It is unfortunate that when it does go up again, due to the efforts of the first section, it never seems to go back up to the level it was?

I think that it is sad, that far more attention, time and accommodation is spent in indulging those that behave badly, and thus encouraging them to continue, than appreciation is paid to those who do not.

Maybe that is the reason the forum does not return to where it was, prior to these spats?