The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108112   Message #2598867
Posted By: Singing Referee
27-Mar-09 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: What did your Dad used to sing?
Subject: RE: What did your Dad used to sing?
A muvva was baffin' her baby one night
The poor little fing was an 'orrible sight
The muvva was poor and the baby was fin
Was just a wee skelinton covered wiv skin
The muvva turned round for the soap on the rack
T'was only a moment but when she turned back
'er baby was gorn and wiv anguish she cried
Oh where is my babe, and the angels replied

Your baby 'as gorn dahn the plug 'ole
Your baby as gorn dahn the plug
The poor little fing was so fin and so small
'e should 'ave been washed in a jug
Your baby is perfectly 'appy
'e won't want a baff any more
'e's floated away dahn the drain pipe
Not lorst but gorn before!

Best I can do with the North London accent. That wasn't his normal speach, but it was perfect for the song!

Still going strong at 91!