The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22749   Message #259910
Posted By: Lena
18-Jul-00 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: Mostly finnish music
Subject: RE: Mostly finnish music
Looks like none of you has heard of a duo called"Mr Malaska".Damn it,I wish I knew how to spread audio stuff throug the net...They were down in Australia at the last National Folk Festival,and had some workshops(that's how I got my three or four scores). What's very particular is that they play in a soundtrack-like style,focusing a lot on the dynamics-crescendos,pianissimo,and so on. However. For as much as I've heard: Finnish music sounds vaguely alien to me,but I can't help admiring(if you can'admire'a music)it.It's intense,naked,architectural,almost Bach-like.Dances are not as dance-like,happy melodies are not that happy.I love it because it's deep and contemplative.Depth can be missed in dance music but not in finnish. To end the speech,finnish music is also incredibly pretty. Lena