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Thread #115883   Message #2599592
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
28-Mar-09 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Amos, I don't think quoting a source 'The Progressive' is going to be a fair source to quote, being as it is so far left, it might be a foul ball, and no play is called. However, that being said, I've noticed something for a long time, which has even spread it's tentacles, even on to here..and that is, the 'presses' all seem to be polarized, to the left or the right...such as 'Fox' to 'MSNBC', and so on and so forth. Depending on who we watch, will support our slant, as it does the rest of the country. It's done subtly, through which stories they carry, which ones they don't, and even down to tone inflections, as to how, 'indignant', or 'hopeful',..or whatever we are 'supposed' to be and feel, by the time we listen,..(or read), their slant on the 'news' being reported. Rarely , if ever, do we get the whole story, as it is to ALL the facts! Could all this be a DISTRACTION, to the reality that is, and HAS been going on. This bailout thing, started during GWB's term, and carried right through to Obama's. We now find out that Geithner was the architect of the first, under GWB, and now the rest, as well. The war policy was the same way. GWB announces a pullout, and withdrawal, and reinforcement, to Afganistan, and a distancing alliance with Pakistan, and sure as God made little green apples, Obama is doing just that....(hold on, gotta check the oven)......(ok, back)....Geithner is back, now as Treasurer, the policies are virtually the same, but now under a different face, and further along, at what very much looks like, not a different agenda, but an agenda moved further along, possibly the very same agenda. Such as Poppa Bush, advanced the idea, and term ' New World Order', and now its just progressed, to where Obama is 'considering' a global currency, allegedly based on what the Chinese, and Russians, 'suggested'. The only 'Change', I can detect at this point, is that the countries, (and not just this one), are now even more polarized, people split, angry, 'helpless'(?), and 'pre-informed', as to where it is going. To effect any massive Change out of our form of government, based on the Constitution, the country MUST be divided, to achieve their goals. Could it be that a huge portion of this, is nothing more that high level 'street theater', when all of it is blatantly stupid? Did you happen to see Geithner's expressions on his face, while Michelle Bachmann, questioned him on the legality of his actions, and policies, before the hearings? If not, I'm sure Youtube, or somewhere, you can find it. He was ANNOYED, PUZZLED, AND TOTALLY OBLIVIOUS, to what she was asking him, and if you look at his face, rather surprised, as to the relevance, to it all. These people, from the last few administrations done give a rat's ass about the Constitution! GWB's Presidential orders, are clear evidence of that, and so are Obama's! It is ONLY AN ILLUSION, given to us, that there is a difference...The only 'Change' is that the whole country is at odds with each other, such as seen by you, DougR, Sawzaw Bruce, Greg, and the rest!(I just covered the ones on this page.) I'm willing to bet, that if we all sat down together, broke out the instruments, and played our asses off, nobody would give a flying fuck, about these issues. What makes that reality different than the rest of the time we spend,...thinking of 'righteous division'?? Very few, in Washington are concerned with preserving our freedoms, and our well being...just who, or what controls the money, and who is going to be controller of the people...and honestly, does any one on here, need to be controlled????......and if so, be whom, other than your own self determination. Folks, they are trying to deceive this country, as to the real thing going on...all their 'benefactors' are the same people!!!! All the bailout recipients got their money, and left the auditorium....before this became such a controversial issue, in regards to the bonuses. Am I wrong?? Uh-Uhh!...But go ahead and keep arguing(therefore, doing nothing)...but keep one eye open,..and watch this coming to fruition, as I posted before..."The goal of socialism is communism" -Vladimir Lenin .(Refer to my earlier post). I think most all on here are sincere, but also, sincerely deceived, and because of it, sincerely wrong! Yes, you are all right, in your sides, but it takes two sides to make sense of the whole.
Warmest Regards, to all of you..........................(even you, Amos)