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Thread #119496   Message #2600409
Posted By: Musket
30-Mar-09 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pope OKs condom use...
Subject: RE: BS: Pope OKs condom use...
What astounds me is that an organisation such as a religion wishes to give opinions on all sorts of situations and set themselves up as a moral compass.

But do not like to be criticised themselves. Religious leaders may be the boss for some people, but not, thankfully, others. All this "going too far" in criticising the pope. Why is it going too far? He is a man who is employed as Chief Executive of a large organisation that makes lots of money out of poor people. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less.

As he insists on the history of the church giving him the authority to try telling people what to do, then it is fair game to laugh at him. After all, until very recently, he and his mates tried hiding paedophiles on the payroll instead of sacking them and turning them over to the authorities. What if a company I ran had the same idea? I would be in the dock myself..

A priest recently kicked a load of people out of the church for being involved in terminating the pregnancy of a young girl. The priest said the God's law is higher than a country's law. WHy hasn't the pope clarified that? Here in The UK, nothing and nobody is above the law.

History? Perhaps one day we will know the real links between the Nazis, the Vatican and South America. An upcoming trial for a camp guard shows that war criminals and those who shelter them are not to get away with it.

There is a link to a catholic "truth" webpage mentioned in an earlier post here, and I went on it. Wow... these jokers are saying that the newspapers (The Times especially) should be afraid to take on the catholic church. And they actually mean what they say! How sinister is that?

The ultimate hilarious bit is a bloke who claims never to have had sex telling others how to run their sex life. Or at least it would be funny if it wasn't that many people will just stop using condoms but not change their lifestyle...

This guy had the opportunity early in life to stand up for his beliefs, even the chance to be a martyr, how good's that? He chose to join the Hitler Youth instead.

Move on. Next story please.