The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2600712
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-Mar-09 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Another character slam..why don't you just answer the questions? Bailouts? Taking over private businesses. hiring tax evaders? pork barrel spending he said he would go through to insure there would be NONE! Hiring lobbyists, when he lied about that too. Signing bill he claims now, he didn't even read. Lying about who knew what when, about the bailout. Hiring Libby to 'replace' the head of AIG, AFTER THE BAILOUT, then taking aim at him, and the CEO's, for bonuses, when they weren't even there, before the bailout. Making a big deal over the bonuses, when the pork in the bill he signed was far larger. Voiding personal contracts, within businesses, beyond his authority, under the constitution. Refusing to let Geithner resign, or take his that a foreshadowing of what he has for us???..This guys is trying to be a fucking dictator, pal...and you just let it slide, because you swoon over how 'cute' he is! Now, if you don't address the issues, then you are just too full of shit to even bother with!..and try to steer away from party line propaganda talking points...and by the way, your supposed 'interpretation' of Lenin's Quote, 'The goal of socialism is communism', is equally full of shit! The cracks in your whole rap are beginning to be all too apparent, and just too full of holes. IT AIN'T WORKING, COWBOY!