The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119614   Message #2600778
Posted By: sian, west wales
30-Mar-09 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: Canadian Folk Music
Subject: RE: Canadian Folk Music
Two reflections on the above:

I remember being taught about the Fenian Raids in high school; particularly interesting as, again, they were slipping across 'our' border along the Niagara River. My history teacher's comment was that their attacks were rather like the terrier that lurks along the roadside and attacks the wheels of passing vehicles with rabid enthusiasm. "What," he mused, "did the terrier think he'd DO with the car if he caught it?"

And on the Metis front, in one of the rebellions (the second, I think) the menfolk of my mother's village in central Ontario - Ulster Protestants to a man - marched out to the Prairies to do the whole 'god & country' malarky. (N.B. until well into the 20th century the village's main cash crop was moonshine. This is not an insignificant factor in their Long March.) They made it out there, and back without, as far as we know, actually getting into any battles. Possibly also without ever sobering up, as they came back with spoils of war: the bell from a prairie town hall. (Pause for a minute to imagine the wives' reactions.)

I remember hearing the bell. It was kept in a tower in mum's village and was used as a fire alarm.

A few years ago a deputation of Metis visited Mum's village to commemorate the ancestors' visit "out west". It was all very civil and the local Legion did good business for the duration.

So, all was forgiven.

Strangely, the bell went missing some months later.

There's another Canadian song in there somewhere.
