The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #621   Message #2600886
Posted By: Jack Campin
30-Mar-09 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Anathea (from Judy Collins)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Anathea (from Judy Collins)
Another try at the ABC I posted before, this time with the linebreaks right:

T:Laszlo Feher
S:Dave and Toni Arthur Songbook, 1970
Z:Jack Campin
Q:1/4=120 % guess, not in the book
K:D Minor
D3 E F2 D2 |zA-A G F2 D2|
w:Lasz-lo Fe-her stole* a stall-ion
B3 B c3 B |A2 D2 ^F2 A2 |
w:Stole him on the mis-ty moun-tain
B3 B c2 B2 | A2 D2 E2 D2|
w:And they chased him and they caught him
A3 G F2 E2 | D6 C2 | D2 D6|]
w:And in ir- on chains they bound him.

Not a lot in common with the Hungarian original.