The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23417   Message #260098
Posted By: Art Thieme
18-Jul-00 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: Hello, pleased to meet you.
Subject: RE: Hello, pleased to meet you.
Alas, Lox is nothing but Jewish sushi. (called BAIT in the Midwest - as Joe Mabus has said in his song.)-----Either that or liquid oxygen-----very cold stuff that, when mixed with paradox, has the potential for violent explosion that can launch one into space (if indeed that is your wont).

But know that we here salute you and draw you in to our grasp/midst like the Enterprise caught in the tractor beam of some heinous enemy bent on -- horror of horrors -- assimilation. It could be worse. Various missionaries might knock on your door.

Good to have you here for us to pick on---not unlike our instruments.

With affection and affectation,

Art Thieme