The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #91522   Message #2601700
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
31-Mar-09 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: anagram your name
Subject: RE: BS: anagram your name
I'm impressed. The following is one quarter of the total given.

Had Mold Nonstop
Almond Pond Shot
Almond Pond Host
Land Mod Photons
Smooth Land Pond
Nodal Pond Moths
Nodal Pod Months
Nodal Pods Month
Sandlot Pond Ohm
Lands Mod Photon
Mad Hold Nonstop
Dam Hold Nonstop
Damn Old Photons
Nomad Pond Sloth
Phantoms Old Nod
Phantoms Old Don
Phantom Old Nods
Phantom Old Dons
Phantom Sold Don
Add Month Slop On
Dads Nth Loon Mop
Stop Mold On Hand
Spot Mold On Hand
Dolts Hand Mop On
Hand Nod Lost Mop
Hand Nod Slot Mop
Hand Don Lost Mop
Hand Don Slot Mop
Land Hod Mop Snot
Land Hod Mops Not
Land Doth Mop Son
Mod Land Nosh Pot
Mod Land Top Nosh
Land Don Most Hop
Land Don Posh Tom
Land Dons Ohm Pot
Pod Moths On Land
No Pod Moths Land
Hod Lands Ton Mop
Lands Doth Mop On
Mod Lands Ton Hop
Nod Lands Hot Mop
Don Lands Ohm Pot
Don Lands Hot Mop
Moth Lands On Pod
Load Dons Nth Mop
Mad Plod Nosh Not
Mad Plod Nosh Ton
Mad Nod Nosh Plot
Mad Don Nosh Plot
No Mad Pond Sloth
Dam Plod Nosh Ton
Dam Nod Nosh Plot
Dam Don Nosh Plot   
No Dam Pond Sloth
No Damn Spot Hold
Lop Damn Hod Snot
Damn Hod Plots On
Damn Hods Plot On
Damn Hods Plot No
Damn Old Nosh Pot
Damn Old Hop Snot
Damn Plod Shot On
No Damn Plod Shot
Damn Host Plod On
Oh Not Damn Plods
Damn Dolts Hop On

Don T.