The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119852   Message #2603084
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
02-Apr-09 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: A Ridiculous Request
Subject: RE: BS: A Ridiculous Request
I think it is very dangerous to run events without insurance - for both the organizers and especially for the audience. The policies are not as expensive - especially if you run a series. If your ambulance corp is not requesting a certificate, they are probably putting themselves and the town they serve at risk. It is common practice to be insured for public events and there are numerous companies that specialize in working with non-profit groups to provide low cost coverage.

I think that your Shop Rite is being very reasonable and properly cautious. Most supermarkets will be glad to help if you follow their requests.

The days of the Andy Hardy "lets get the kids together and put on a show in the barn" are long gone!