The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119547   Message #2603412
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Apr-09 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Subject: RE: 1954 and All That - defining folk music
Mr. Cringe, I hardly thing M.Ted and I are "stooping to playground tactics." And I understand perfectly well what Sinister is trying to say. I've heard that sort of circular argument before, in both this and other contexts. It's hardly "abusive" to point out to someone that their argument is full of ad hoc re-definitions, and is, hence, nonsensical.

One can "prove" anything, if you suspend the rules of logic and are allowed to define words any way you want to. And it certainly looks to me as if he's trying to redefine "folk" and "traditional" to mean anything he wants these words to mean.

If M.Ted and I are being "abusive" and resorting to "playground tactics," then so were Aristotle, Socrates, and a whole pantheon of logicians and philosphers.

Don Firth