The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119852   Message #2603605
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
02-Apr-09 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Ridiculous Request
Subject: RE: BS: A Ridiculous Request
Hi Ron,
The Borderline does not as yet have 501-C-3 status which takes a $750 application fee and $1,500 in lawyers fees to obtain. In reality however we are non-profit because all monies taken in go directly to the performers. Before 9/11 obtaining a 501-C3 was relatively easy and most of the established folk clubs such as Hurdy Gurdy already had it pre 9/11 and in the interim were able to build up a sizable treasury. We started only 4 years ago post 9/11 and the 501C-3 application is 50 pages long and at present we are waiting for an attorney and accountant to donate their services pro-bono. Therefore we have no treasury or bank account. We take the suggested donation in cash and merely transfer that cash to the performer's pocket. If we do not have a large enough audience to satisfy the guarantee, I pay the difference out of my own pocket.

This event, however is being run under the auspices of Mystic Seaport which does have a 501-C-3. Therefore people will be able to make their checks out directly to Mystic Seaport and indicate at the bottom right that it is for Sea Music Festival '09. Since the checks are made out to a legitimate non-profit, the suggested donations will be tax deductable as well. All monies taken in will be given to Geoff Kaufman who will take them directly to Donna at the Seaport.

ShopRite has 4 stores in Rockland County and prominently display our flyers in all of them. It's not like we are an unknown entity to them. However the local managers have no power to do anything. We have to submit the request in writing along with the certificate of insurance to their executive offices in Paramus, NJ where we are unknown. That is the crux of the problem.