The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119852   Message #2603628
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
02-Apr-09 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: A Ridiculous Request
Subject: RE: BS: A Ridiculous Request
Hi Sol,

The Hurdy Gurdy is actually a 501c4 recongized in the State of New Jersey - a not-for-profit as opposed to non-profit. Similar, but we cannot apply for most grants and other limitations. Yes, the application and other requirements are relatively expensive, but there are ways to save on some of the fees.

Most house concerts that I am aware of operate in a similiar fashion to what you described. Usually performers do not receive a guarantee, so what you are doing is above and beyond the "norm".

Shop Rite does an enormous amount of charity work. They have a charities initiative called "Partners in Caring". Perhaps you have seen the logo in the store - two hands shanking in the form of a heart. Shop Rite has been working with food manufacturers to provide food and funds for the needy - everything from local food banks, homeless shelters to after school programs. They have donated millions over the years to fight hunger and help those in need. I've been aware of their work so that is one of the reasons why I was taken aback by your initial statement.

I know from my own town and my wifes experience with the Girl Scouts that local supermarkets will make donations if you follow their procedures.   While you may feel that presenting a tax exempt ID or a certificate of insurance is defeating your purpose, you need to realize that stores of this type are hit with numerous requests and they need to have some system for weeding out those that do not meet their requirements. You have a right to complain if you feel you are not being treaed fairly, but everyone has the right to set their own standards. You do not fit, so move on.