The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23448   Message #260366
Posted By: Penny S.
18-Jul-00 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: Advice - Forever Young- best version
Subject: Advice - Forever Young- best version
I went to my brother-in-law's funeral last week. My nieces had made inspired and very pertinent choices of music. The Byrds - Turn, turn, turn (I have it on 45)(and a player): Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven (found it on tape down the road), and Bob Dylan - Forever Young. I've found there are several versions, and I'm going to have to order it on tape. Does anyone have any thoughts on the best version to go for? I can't tell from the samples on web-sites.

They had Auden's "Stop all the Clocks" too. All was very moving.
