The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23449   Message #260396
Posted By: MK
18-Jul-00 - 05:59 PM
Thread Name: The Truth IS Out There - Now
Subject: The Truth IS Out There - Now
There is sometimes a fine line between being multi-talented, and being somewhat of a lunatic. I am afraid I am a little of both.

My current feelings about this Forum and it's inhabitants can be summed up here by something I wrote using an anonymous Handle.

To some of you, the following may come as a surprise. To others it will merely confirm what you've suspected for quite a while. To those who are new to the Forum, this will probably seem irrelevant.

(For the record, I have not been involved in any flaming activity whatsoever in the past several weeks, so anything that HAS been going on here in the interim should not be attributable to me.) You can of course think whatever you like.

In light of the current mood and rumors, inuedendos, disinformation, and lies being spread, with my name repeatedly mentioned in the back alleys via personal messages, anonymous emails, etc.... for the sake of attempting to heal this Forum and returning it to a place that those I respect as well as the general populace here, can once again ENJOY, I have decided that the real healing should start from this moment forward.

Frankly it never ever occurred to me, that one person could have such a profound influence on the tone and atmosphere of this Forum, (and I do not want to carry the notoriety and responsibility of it any further.)

Over time I have grown to sincerely regret my past non-music related activities here. I realize now, that I have hurt a lot of people on this Forum from the tone of my flaming in the past. It was not my intention to create hurt. It was my intention to be sarcastic and somewhat funny and entertaining. Obviously I missed on all accounts. I offer no excuses as to why I did what I did but perhaps it was boredom; blowing off steam; perhaps it was immaturity; perhaps it was jealously towards the innate sense of community here; perhaps I grossly underestimated what this forum means to so many people; perhaps it was cowardice, perhaps it was a very misguided superiority complex ridiculing lesser talented but capable people...but the bottom line is I do have a conscience, and I know it was wrong.

My past activities also created a spate of copy cat flamers, who helped and continue to contribute to the overall anarchy and morose nature of this Forum. I am probably responsible and repentant for much of this as well. Unfortunately there is little I can do personally to stop others from arm chair flaming. Maybe in time, if they allow the spirit of what this forum is about, to reach them, they too might feel differently. I can only speak for myself.

Therefore in the interests of trying to do some small piece of good so that something positive can come from my departure, and at least make this a warmer, friendlier and safer place emotionally for many, (which it has always been --just needs a little nudge these days) I wish to publicly apologize to everyone on this forum and specifically to those I've listed below.

I am truly sorry for all the hurt, sarcasm, interpretted maliciousness directed towards them, insensitivy and just downright shit I unloaded on this place. If I've left anyone's names off the list below, or, if you want to contact me privately and vent plasma in my direction (and keep it from cluttering the Forum which I think would be preferable) you can email me at (This is a legit email address.)

Profuse Apologies to:

Rick Fielding... (for betraying his trust in me and for the loss of our friendship)

...and the following for all the pain, hurt, meaness and insensitivty directed towards these people as a result of past flames:

The Shambles
Peter T.
Jon Freeman
Joe Offer
Clinton Hammond

...and anyone who's names I've left off but should be on this list.

Having said all this, I wish everyone here the best in all of their endeavors, and to keep singing, playing or just enjoying the music. I cannot stay. My credibility would never be the same, and far too much damage has been done to my reputation (mostly at my own doing) and I would be ashamed to show my face at any future Mudcatter gathering. I'm really not worthy of membership on this Forum. I will lurk only for a couple of days in case there are personal messages sent to me requiring responses or people just want to vent in my general direction. I will only discuss the issues addressed in this post and will only do so privately and not on the Forum. There is enough garbage on here already. (no pun intended.)

Take care all,
Michael K.

a.k.a. TTCM
Sir Arthur Conan and Doyle
Uncle Milty
Guest with Guitar In Hand and Dog By Side