The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23449   Message #260426
Posted By: Sorcha
18-Jul-00 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: The Truth IS Out There - Now
Subject: RE: The Truth IS Out There - Now
First response on my part--Well, I'll be damned.
2nd response--Jenny, don't go, please.
3rd response--Don't either of you go.
We need you both.
You don't need to. It's OK, at least with me. I am just amazed that TTCM is I, too, have mellowed some lately. Have gotten to where I can take most things with a grain of salt, and laugh if need be. I think Jenny and I have had some misunderstandings in the past, but I at least am over that. This is, after all, HOME, and HOME is, "when you have to go there, they have to take you in."

att: Robert Frost, I think.

Please stay, we need you both. Michael, it is OK if you are our concience, just do it in the same name without getting personal. Every village needs one, after all.

OK, I am opening Sorcha's Bar and Grill, and the first round/meal is on the house!!