The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2604569
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
04-Apr-09 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Too much control, either religious, or political, is both destructive, and delusional. So, if I may again reference someone, that seems to get everyone's knickers in a twist..."Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, (religious leaders), and Caesar(Political)."..Jesus of Nazareth. They are the blind, leading the blind! The founding Fathers of this country were certainly aware of this, and formed a government, which limited CONTROL, or being CONTROLLED, by either one!! How this escapes those who claim to be the 'astute' is mind boggling! It is not a matter of right vs. left, Rebulicats or Democans...they are both part and parcel of government control. Same as Capitalists, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, and the rest!!! True Freedom, and Liberty, have very little to do with these agents of control...Meanwhile, CREDIT is a way, to be controlled into slavery..either by corporations, or government 'programs'! Right now we are seeing us sold into debt(slavery), without ANY SAY, whatsoever!..Whereas, that is being entered into a contract, without consent,(coercion), it is high time we take a closer look, and maybe re-think all this nonsense going on! Fortunately, this 'administration' isn't about that! They are so corrupt, I don't think they even care to regard any of those factors, except using a crisis, to con the public!..That being said, I'm still giving Obama, the benefit of the doubt, because he is more of a political animal, than the others, I believe..and the others are using him as a smooth talking front man, and hiding behind him. Just ask Axelrod, or Rahm. Time not only will tell, but the obvious will be written off, by the blind followers, and explained away, enough to where THEY feel comfortable...even if they aren't fooling, or convincing anyone, but themselves!! You too!