The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23456   Message #260548
Posted By: Jim the Bart
18-Jul-00 - 11:29 PM
Thread Name: Buffalo Springfield again
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
Oh man, yes. One of my great regrets in life is that I missed them when they came to the "teen club" in my little Chicago suburb in the summer of 1967. I was at Northwestern being a theatre "cherub", but that's another story.

My younger sister (all of 16 at the time) met the band and got to smoke a bomber with them in their van. All of them except Neil Young, who had split before the tour. Can you imagine? Seeing Stills, Furay, and the rest in the "Dark Spot" - an old warehouse with a 20' by 20' stage, flat black walls, cheazy PA and a few spot lights? Meanwhile, the Doors, Hendrix, Fresh Cream and Sgt. Pepper were just creeping into our consciousness. What a summer!

When I finally left for college in the fall of '68 I didn't have a stereo. The only albums I took with were Neil Young's "Everybody Knows This is Nowhere", Poco's "Picking Up the Pieces" and the Buffalo Springfield Again. "Bluebird", "Broken Arrow", etc. Oh, to be that young and innocent again.