The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119967   Message #2606280
Posted By: GUEST,aw
07-Apr-09 - 03:56 AM
Thread Name: Preserving folk clubs- some ideas.
Subject: RE: Preserving folk clubs- some ideas.
Why is it always the people who want to promote either themselves or others who insist (however gently) on knocking the folk club system? I found the choice of the word 'preserving' in the thread title quite uncomfortable, opened the thread to see why the word was used, and found roughly what I expected, except that this time other contributors were quicker to defend the clubs that they enjoy so much.

No one wants to stop 'new', 'exciting', 'young', 'talented' performers from getting more gigs, earning more money or getting more national exposure. But neither is a desire to progress this way a necessary or even beneficial trait in a singer of traditional or traditional based songs. A love of the music, its history, its place in society now and previously, and a desire to share that music and research into all its facets with people who are in empathy with the respect that our 'tradition bearers' bring to it can count for far more. The consequence being that it can take something more than proficiency or innovation to create a performer who will be well received by and appropriate for many of our folk clubs.

Yes - some of todays guests will be the same ones that were guesting 20/30/40 years ago. Thank goodness for that - it only goes to prove that, despite the scaremongers, folk music and clubs are sustainable, and furthermore will respect and support those with a genuine love of the genre. And there is a constant feed of 'new blood' too, although some people try to say there's not. There has been since folk clubs started. I spent last night watching 3 guys in their early 20s give a smashing night at a local club, which was full. But only a small percentage of the newcomers will have the right mix of talent, deep interest and respect. The club organisers and audience recognise them when they see them. Honest. They know how to contact them, and they know what their audience will like. I've never spoken to a single club organiser who has said ' I wish I could think of someone to book' but plenty have said words to the effect of 'I wish people who stop telling me how to run my club when they've never even set foot in it' at some point!

I don't mean to be negative to Faye, but, like other contributors, I am tired of people knocking folk clubs simply because they are not making the headway they personally desire. Folk clubs are just what the people who go to them want. There are lots of different ones but they all suit their own niche. They've evolved that way!