The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23340 Message #260642
Posted By: GUEST,andy mööer
19-Jul-00 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians
Subject: RE: BS: Why aren't most Mudcatters musicians
Everyone will glorify the past now and then ,and mabye there is a golden past (for everything) and everything is in constant deterioration.I'm talking of course about comments made of the mudcat.BUT,I'm fairly infant to the mudcat(mabye two months) ,and when I clicked on the bit that says 'forum and chat' I saw kind of what I expected Although the chat is (despite what people say) often musically oriented.I believe that some people have grand expectations of mudcat and when these are not met they are naturally dissapointed. In every single quarter of life you encounter people and opinions that you find you cant agree with,Mudcat is made up of these people and I dont want to change that,although I do find peoples criticisms of one another upsetting sometimes.If people are unhappy about the music content TALK ABOUT MUSIC ,its much more effective than telling the forum what you thing is wrong. Anyway I diddnt mean to write so much,what I wanted to say was that my first mudcat experience was starting that 'Mostly Finnish music' thread and I was completly(in it's completeness)delighted with the responses. There are so many positive things about this place,so please cut the poor Cat a bit of slack.möi,möi ,Andy