The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23456   Message #260656
Posted By: GUEST,
19-Jul-00 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: Buffalo Springfield again
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
Hello there fellow Buffalo Springfield fans. Glad you guys are alive because I have heard so many nasty remarks about my favorite 60's music. (Mostly related to shoddy production, but hey, Todd Rundgren was in Woody's Truckstop and George Martin was busy elsewhere, so where were you gonna find anybody with studio smarts?) Hey Rangerover, where did you find the double Atco LP? I had it very briefly in Spring 1974, and was never able to locate it again. All of my inquiries have been met with befuddled shrugs or mocking laughter. Could you please tell me the Atco LP number so perhaps I can snag a copy off the web. And good mr thosp, the missing tune from the first LP was "Baby Don't Scold Me". Clifton 53, how could we ever forget Jim Messina. Also remember prior to Jim, substitute bass players Bobby West (of Love), Ken Kolblum (of Neil's band The Squires), and Jim Fielder (of the Mothers of Invention)and when Neil split they had Doug Hastings on lead Guitar. I've got an interesting bootleg from Monterey pop with David Crosby sitting in. Only really noteworthy cut is Rockn'roll woman merged with Bluebird.

Keep the faith my good brothers!
