The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23456   Message #260678
Posted By: Big Mick
19-Jul-00 - 09:15 AM
Thread Name: Buffalo Springfield again
Subject: RE: Buffalo Springfield again.....
When you look through my CD case in my car you will find page after page of Irish. But smack dab in the middle of the B's ( they are arranged alpha by artist) is Buffalo Springfield's Retrospective. I have literally worn out copy's of the LP over the years. The guitar work and arrangements still knock me out today. I can remember when I found the first Springfield album. I immediately went to my girlfriends house, called my buddy and told him to grab his guitar and let's get learning this stuff. They were way ahead of their times. Broken Arrow, for obvious reasons still reaches inside me in a profound way. Think I will play that CD today.

All the best,

Big Mick