The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118542   Message #2607090
Posted By: CarolC
08-Apr-09 - 01:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Human Rights Resources
Subject: RE: BS: Human Rights Resources
For Passover, from Jewish Voice for Peace...

Every year we sit down by the Seder Table with friends and family and ask ourselves, Why is this night different from all other nights?
We ask this as we follow ancient rituals and create new ones, designed to remind us of the bitterness of slavery and the sweetness of freedom, and we consider how all of this might be relevant in our world today.

Download the Passover insert for your Seder.
Ask the questions--and listen.
Some make the connection to the Israeli occupation; others hold it in their hearts, but do not bring it up for fear of the response they might get.
This year should be different. This year all of us should ask and listen as well.
Why is this year different from all other years?
Because there is a new government in Washington that opens the door, ever so slightly, to a diplomatic agreement.
Because there is a new government in Israel, with a hardened heart, that intends to close that door shut.
Because so many Palestinians have lost their lives or their homes in the last year in Gaza.
This year is different. It will be different if we make it so.
We have asked Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, co-founder of Shomer Shalom and a member of JVP's Advisory Board, to reconsider the 4 questions in light of the struggle for a just peace in Israeli and Palestinian. The result is this powerful one-page Haggadah insert that you can download, print out and read at your Seder.
We can't imagine a more powerful place to start asking questions.
On behalf of all of us at Jewish Voice for Peace, we wish you a Chag Sameach!
Happy Holiday!