The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119967   Message #2607127
Posted By: GUEST,tom bliss
08-Apr-09 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: Preserving folk clubs- some ideas.
Subject: RE: Preserving folk clubs- some ideas.
Just popping in for the habitual correction. the purpose of a survey would not be to back up my and other artists' observations and opinions of long term trends, it would be to find out what IS actually happening, and to present findings in terms that could be used as the festival survey is now used.

There is absolutely no criticism of organisers in my article, and you'll never hear any from me - I'm well aware of what it takes to run a club, and as ever 'doff with due decorum'.

I have offered collated advice and support elsewhere for any who might be struggling, but that's help - not criticism.

My objective has never been to change or influence clubs in one way or another - whatever some might say - just to try to present an overveiw for those for whom one might be of value. Individual clubs do not need to see this as some kind of artists plot to force more guests on unwilling singers :-)!

I think we should all try to be aware of the 'wet paint syndrome' (© Jim Moray) - wherein The Queen thinks the world smells of it. (For the record he doesn't agree with my conclusions, however).

I have in fact had a lot of messages from organisers who agree with my snapshot (which is only my best guess after all - presented at the editor's request, not my own suggestion).

Many artists, who like me talk to hundreds of clubs on a regular basis, share my hunches, and are relived that someone has been willing to go on the record.

I'm not sure who is better placed to comment on the national picture and trend over the past and next ten years than us, so if we don't feed back our findings who will?

(Until we have a proper study, of course)!

Meanwhile I can confirm that Linda's club is indeed as good as it gets.
