The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120051   Message #2607905
Posted By: greg stephens
09-Apr-09 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: Folkies at Glastonbury 2009
Subject: Folkies at Glasto 09
As is my wont, I am trying to compile a bit of a list of people playing at Glastonbury that might be of interest to folkies or rooties (notice how I am trying avoid defining music!). The festival is so vast, it is very difficult to check the programme, and find what you are looking for. In addition, there are so many small venues that don't get their acts into the official listings, so you have to be quite serendipitous to find them. For example, I don't think the Babylon Bandstand gets into the lsitings, but I have seen all sorts of folk acts(both well-known and obscure) there.
So, if you are playing at Glasto, or know somebody that is, perhaps you could add the details to this thread.
I'll start the ball rolling

Boat Band 2.30PM Friday, Croissant Neuf Tent,
(Green area/Alternative Technology?, can't remember what they call it up the hill these days)..
Edward II Avalon Stage sometime on the Saturday night