The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120066   Message #2608065
Posted By: Sttaw Legend
09-Apr-09 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: Maritime songs wanted please Hull area
Subject: Maritime songs wanted please Hull area
I would welcome information on any songs of "any style" that is about the maritime history of Hull and the surrounding area.

This is for a project that will involve young people in Music ~ Singing ~ Filming ~ Interviewing ~ Laughing and much more…

The project is Humbersound Groove Crew and funded by Heritage Lottery Young Routes. This project will investigate the musical heritage that links Hull to the sea and the cultural heritage that surrounds the city. An education package will be developed to deliver to a wider audience for future years. The young team Heritage Groove Crew will be researching into local maritime history and heritage by interviewing people and capturing their memories and stories with sound and film recording. They will also be performing at the Hull Maritime Festival (Shanty Festival) as last year.

Just to let you know I am aware and have a copy of Hissyfits CD's – Thanks Linda!!   

Many thanks in advance