The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120066   Message #2608340
Posted By: Steve Gardham
09-Apr-09 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: Maritime songs wanted please Hull area
Subject: RE: Maritime songs wanted please Hull area
There are no traditional songs connecting Hull by name with the sea. However plenty have been written relatively recently as the above show. There are also songs with vague connections such as the various Grace Darling songs. (The Forfarshire had sailed from Hull). The Paul Jones attack off Flamborough has plenty of attached songs and some of the relics are to be seen in Wilberforce House. There's a few old whaling songs, just words, in some of the museum records, but no evidence that any of them came from oral tradition. Bert Lloyd cobbled a Hull verse into his version of the shanty 'Heave away me Johnny'. You'd get a few giggles from the kids if you tried to teach them this.