The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23449   Message #260836
Posted By: Homeless
19-Jul-00 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: The Truth IS Out There - Now
Subject: RE: The Truth IS Out There - Now
Bert - I have to disagree on one of the points you made above. Even tho you explicitly expressed that this was your "(personal opinion)" you stated that "you caused an immense amount of harm to ALL mudcatters." I don't believe that TTCM caused me any harm at all. When I would see a post by TTCM I had one of two reactions - either ignore it completely, or read the content and ignore the vehicle. Either way, I don't believe that I was harmed.

Going a bit beyond that, I don't believe that anyone can be harmed unless they allow themselves to be harmed. I lived with a verbally and emotionally abusive wife for 9 years. The first couple years were absolute hell, until I realized I didn't have to be hurt. From that point on, when subjected to her ranting, I just considered the source and didn't allow her statements to have a significant impact on me.

Moonchild - I believe I read a post from you in another thread (I think I'm remembering this correctly) where you said you were not a "victim." I've understood victim to mean "one who suffers ill from another's actions." While you don't say in your post at the top of the thread that you were hurt, your vehemence at Michael leads me to think that you were. If you were hurt, then (to my line of reasoning) you would be a victim. Can you reconcile these seemingly conflicting viewpoints for me? Or is my reasoning or definition incorrect? My questions stem from an honest desire for understanding, they are not meant snidely.

Kat - you too seem rather vehement. I can understand if you have anger since you were one of the prime targets of many flames. However, I would like to know your specific views on the harm that was done to the MudCat. If you have already explained them and I missed the point, a pointer to the thread in which they appeared is all that I ask. Personally, other than causing some people to leave the forum (which seems to happen on a regular basis for a number of reasons), I don't see that there was much permanent harm done (maybe I just missed something, or am more cynical than most people).