The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71653   Message #2608983
Posted By: Mysha
10-Apr-09 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: How old is Pace Egging?
Subject: RE: How old is Pace Egging?

Being a foreigner I of course hardly have any idea what you're all talking about, but: If we're talking about the mummers' plays, which all seem to have the theme of someone dying and then living again, wouldn't it make more sense for them to originate from Easter, and having come to Christmas as well when the traditions came to resemble eachother?

In a Christian interpretation, Easter is when Christ was crucified and came back among the living. In a rite of passage interpretation, wouldn't the start of the new year, which was in the Springtime, be the logical time for the rite of passage, where the boy dies and comes to life a man?

Now you all tell me what this really was about and why I'm completely wrong ...
