The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117552 Message #2609494
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
11-Apr-09 - 10:22 PM
Thread Name: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
Subject: RE: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
When I turned my computer back on tonight after being off line since late Wednesday afternoon for religious reasons, there was a message from Emily Kratzer, the arts & leisure editor of The Journal News which is out local newspaper here in Rockland. She wanted to do a story on our upcoming benefit for the Mystic Festival. I responded to her immediately but being tomorrow is Easter Sunday she may not get my message until Monday morning.
A story like this can either make us or break us attendance wise for this event. Hopefully I will be able to do a telephone interview with her on Monday morning. She also wanted to talk with some of the performers. One question that interests her is why performers are willing to drive 5 hours each way from Maine & New Hampshire to perform free of charge just to raise money for the Mystic Festival. She wants to know exactly what the Mystic Festival means to performers and why it is worth all this sacrifice to help save it.
It would help if some of you (Barry & Charlie) could e-mail her to and communicate your feelings on this matter. If these e-mails reach her desk by Monday morning it will convince her editor to run the story in Friday's edition.