The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117552   Message #2610692
Posted By: Rabbi-Sol
14-Apr-09 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
Subject: RE: Mystic Fundraiser At The Borderline 4/19
Good news to report. I was interviewed today by Emily Kratzer and she will do a feature article publicizing our event in The Journal News. It will hopefully appear on either Thursday or Friday in The Journal News. I will provide a link on Mudcat to the story as soon as it appears.

Thanks to e-mails from Barry, Charlie, and Anna-Marie (The Cookie Lady), to help bring this about.

I ask you all again to please keep this thread going on Wednesday & Thursday when I will be off line in observance of the last 2 days of Passover.

Thanks Again and see you all on Sunday.