The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120066   Message #2612234
Posted By: Sailor Ron
16-Apr-09 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: Maritime songs wanted please Hull area
Subject: RE: Maritime songs wanted please Hull area
Steve, you may be right, I presumed it came from Hull orininaly because of the tune. About 'cross overs' twix Fleetwood & Hull, trawler companies certainly did [Marrs for instance], and trawlers frequently were transfered or sold between the ports. As for crews, well here in Fleetwood we had lots of folk from Lowestoft arrive between the wars, and quite a few from Grimsby, from Hull? Not a lot [to my knowledge]. On the otherhand deep sea trawling from Hull differed very little from deep sea trawling from Fleetwood, so any songs, not specific to either port, would/could refer to the 'trade' in general.   Ron