The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120192   Message #2612270
Posted By: Thompson
16-Apr-09 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Strange occupations
Subject: RE: BS: Strange occupations
Apparently the word 'drudge' comes from the Irish drĂºgaire, an old word for a slave.

Division by a common language goes the other way too; after a course in Irish in Donegal a lovely American girl was making her thank-you speech. The cheers that greeted the words "and boys, thanks for all the great rides" (she'd been given lifts all over the place by all the men) raised the ceiling. That glow New Yorkers saw to their east was her blush when she realised what she'd said.

A fripper used to mean a collector and seller of old clothes, to add another profession.