The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120218   Message #2612332
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
16-Apr-09 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: Facebook users - especially Irish ones
Subject: Facebook users - especially Irish ones
I've just seen on the Irish lunchtime news that Facebook users in Ireland are getting a chance to vote on whether they like the (modified but still far from perfect) new terms & conditions which the site imposed recently. I mean those that came after their we-can-do-anything-we-want-with-your-info-even-after-you-terminate-your-account bombshell, which aroused such widespread fury. The newest policy was seen as a hasty about-face.

Well, almost. It's better, but there's still a lingering smell which bears further sniffing out. Apparently people have until something like next Wednesday to vote, and it will take a 1/3 turnout "of active Facebook users" to make it binding. Ireland is only a blip on the screen population-wise.

The news lady also said there's no mention of this on the Facebook site itself (I'm not a member so can't check) - and I had to dig a bit in the Googleverse before I found this:

As they used to whisper in the school playground: Pass it on.

Now... what about the rest of yas? Where's your vote?