The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120218   Message #2612946
Posted By: Bonnie Shaljean
17-Apr-09 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: Facebook users - especially Irish ones
Subject: RE: Facebook users - especially Irish ones
I certainly have nothing against Facebook - my problem, and my reason for not joining, is simply not having enough time and energy to take on yet ANOTHER activity which keeps me at my computer: I spend far too much time in cyberspace already, at the expense of the real world (which is often not nearly as much fun); and Mudcat is my preferred hangout.

I'm not trying to be anti-Facebook, or anti-MySpace, or anti-anything. But it's as well to keep an eye on their terms and conditions, because if there's potential money to be harvested from selling an image or tune, someone will figure out a way to do it. Facebook and those other networking sites have a lot of rewards & enrichments to offer, but that doesn't mean they don't need watchdogs. The way FB and MySpace handled their first attempts at a policy change is proof of that.